It’s Time for Taxes!

Welcome to tax season! It’s that time of the year when we dive into organizing your financial details. Get ready to gather your important documents like W-2s and 1099s. As the deadline approaches, we’re here to guide you through the process, making sure everything is accurate and in order. Let’s navigate this tax season together for a smooth financial journey!



Identity Thieves Love Tax Season

How to Know if it’s Really the IRS calling:

The IRS will never:

  • Call to demand immediate payment using a specific payment method such as a gift card, prepaid debit card, or wire transfer. Generally, the IRS will first mail a bill to any taxpayer who owes taxes.
  • Demand that taxpayers pay taxes without the opportunity to question or appeal the amount they owe. All taxpayers should be aware of their rights.
  • Threaten to bring in local police, immigration officers, or other law enforcement to have the taxpayer arrested for not paying.
    • Threaten to revoke the taxpayer’s driver’s license, business license, or immigration status.



If you or anyone else in your household are feeling sick, please drop off or call to schedule a phone or video conference meeting instead of visiting our office. Likewise, our staff will not be working in the office if they are feeling sick